Severe Thunderstorm Watch issued June 30 at 9:45AM EDT until June 30 at 9:00PM EDT by NWS

NOAA-NWS-ALERTS-VT1258573E7AE4.SevereThunderstormWatch.12585B77F450VT.WNSWOU5.8c973d996205e0591567eaa9327318b6 2017-06-30T09:45:00-04:00 Actual Alert Public Alert for Bennington; Orange; Rutland; Windham; Windsor (Vermont) Issued by the National Weather Service Met Severe Thunderstorm Watch Expected Severe Likely SAME SVA 2017-06-30T09:45:00-04:00 2017-06-30T21:00:00-04:00 NWS Storm Prediction Center (Storm Prediction Center – Norman, Oklahoma) Severe Thunderstorm Watch issued June 30 at 9:45AM EDT until June 30 at 9:00PM EDT by NWS Storm Prediction Center SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WATCH 385 IS IN EFFECT UNTIL 900 PM EDT FOR THE FOLLOWING LOCATIONS VT . VERMONT COUNTIES INCLUDED ARE BENNINGTON ORANGE RUTLAND WINDHAM WINDSOR WMOHEADER UGC VTC003-017-021-025-027 VTEC /O.NEW.KWNS.SV.A.0385.170630T1745Z-170701T0100Z/ TIME…MOT…LOC

Bennington; Orange; Rutland; Windham; Windsor FIPS6 050003 FIPS6 050017 FIPS6 050021 FIPS6 050025 FIPS6 050027 UGC VTC003 UGC VTC017 UGC VTC021 UGC VTC025 UGC VTC027

Source: National Weather Service Alerts for Vermont

Flood Warning issued June 30 at 8:55AM EDT until July 01 at 8:20AM EDT by NWS

NOAA-NWS-ALERTS-VT1258573E57BC.FloodWarning.12585B79A9D0VT.BTVFLWBTV.60f31be19cf5cc11092e848acba1d360 2017-06-30T08:55:00-04:00 Actual Alert Public Alert for Chittenden (Vermont) Issued by the National Weather Service Met Flood Warning Expected Moderate Likely SAME FLW 2017-06-30T08:55:00-04:00 2017-07-01T08:20:00-04:00 NWS Burlington (Northern Vermont and New York) Flood Warning issued June 30 at 8:55AM EDT until July 01 at 8:20AM EDT by NWS Burlington …The National Weather Service in Burlington has issued a flood warning for the following rivers in Vermont… Winooski River At Essex Junction The National Weather Service in Burlington has issued a * Flood Warning for The Winooski River At Essex Junction. * from this afternoon to Saturday morning…Or until the warning is cancelled. * At 8:30 AM Friday the stage was 11.1 feet. * Flood stage is 12.0 feet. * Minor flooding is forecast. * Forecast…Rise above flood stage by Friday afternoon and continue to rise to near 12.4 feet by Friday afternoon. The river will fall below flood stage by after midnight Saturday. * Impact…At 12.5 feet…North Williston Road in Essex will begin to flood, and motorists should seek an alternate route. Water will approach low lying farmland in the Burlington Intervale. && Safety message… If you live or travel near streams and rivers seek higher ground immediately at first signs of rising water. Obey all road closure signs, they are there for your safety. Do not attempt to drive through flooded areas, most flood deaths occur in automobiles. Turn around, don`t drown! Stay tuned to developments by listening to noaa weather radio, or by visiting our web site at: WMOHEADER UGC VTC007 VTEC /O.NEW.KBTV.FL.W.0014.170630T1605Z-170701T1220Z/ /ESSV1.1.ER.170630T1605Z.170630T1800Z.170701T0620Z.NO/ TIME…MOT…LOC

Chittenden 44.57,-73.26 44.44,-72.91 44.36,-72.95 44.5,-73.31 44.57,-73.26 FIPS6 050007 UGC VTC007

Source: National Weather Service Alerts for Vermont

Flood Warning issued June 30 at 4:54AM EDT until July 01 at 8:20AM EDT by NWS

NOAA-NWS-ALERTS-VT1258573DBB18.FloodWarning.12585B79A9D0VT.BTVFLWBTV.60f31be19cf5cc11092e848acba1d360 2017-06-30T04:54:00-04:00 Actual Alert Public Alert for Chittenden (Vermont) Issued by the National Weather Service Met Flood Warning Expected Moderate Likely SAME FLW 2017-06-30T04:54:00-04:00 2017-07-01T08:20:00-04:00 NWS Burlington (Northern Vermont and New York) Flood Warning issued June 30 at 4:54AM EDT until July 01 at 8:20AM EDT by NWS Burlington …The National Weather Service in Burlington has issued a flood warning for the following rivers in Vermont… Winooski River At Essex Junction The National Weather Service in Burlington has issued a * Flood Warning for The Winooski River At Essex Junction. * from this afternoon to Saturday morning…Or until the warning is cancelled. * At 8:30 AM Friday the stage was 11.1 feet. * Flood stage is 12.0 feet. * Minor flooding is forecast. * Forecast…Rise above flood stage by Friday afternoon and continue to rise to near 12.4 feet by Friday afternoon. The river will fall below flood stage by after midnight Saturday. * Impact…At 12.5 feet…North Williston Road in Essex will begin to flood, and motorists should seek an alternate route. Water will approach low lying farmland in the Burlington Intervale. && Safety message… If you live or travel near streams and rivers seek higher ground immediately at first signs of rising water. Obey all road closure signs, they are there for your safety. Do not attempt to drive through flooded areas, most flood deaths occur in automobiles. Turn around, don`t drown! Stay tuned to developments by listening to noaa weather radio, or by visiting our web site at: WMOHEADER UGC VTC007 VTEC /O.NEW.KBTV.FL.W.0014.170630T1605Z-170701T1220Z/ /ESSV1.1.ER.170630T1605Z.170630T1800Z.170701T0620Z.NO/ TIME…MOT…LOC

Chittenden 44.57,-73.26 44.44,-72.91 44.36,-72.95 44.5,-73.31 44.57,-73.26 FIPS6 050007 UGC VTC007

Source: National Weather Service Alerts for Vermont

Flood Warning issued June 30 at 1:36AM EDT until June 30 at 8:42PM EDT by NWS

NOAA-NWS-ALERTS-VT1258573D3EE0.FloodWarning.12585B77DDA8VT.BTVFLWBTV.be87e267fb1863bd3e3d1947a3b640bb 2017-06-30T01:36:00-04:00 Actual Alert Public Alert for Washington (Vermont) Issued by the National Weather Service Met Flood Warning Expected Moderate Likely SAME FLW 2017-06-30T01:36:00-04:00 2017-06-30T20:42:00-04:00 NWS Burlington (Northern Vermont and New York) Flood Warning issued June 30 at 1:36AM EDT until June 30 at 8:42PM EDT by NWS Burlington …The National Weather Service in Burlington has issued a flood warning for the following rivers in Vermont… Winooski River At Waterbury The National Weather Service in Burlington has issued a * Flood Warning for The Winooski River At Waterbury. * until this evening…Or until the warning is cancelled. * At 4:45 AM Friday the stage was 417.6 feet. * Flood stage is 419.0 feet. * Minor flooding is forecast. * Forecast…Rise above flood stage by Friday morning and continue to rise to near 419.2 feet by Friday afternoon. The river will fall below flood stage by late Friday afternoon. * Impact…At 419.0 feet…Water will flood fields behind the Vermont State Office Complex in Waterbury. Field flooding will occur from Waterbury downstream through Richmond. && Safety message… If you live or travel near streams and rivers seek higher ground immediately at first signs of rising water. Obey all road closure signs, they are there for your safety. Do not attempt to drive through flooded areas, most flood deaths occur in automobiles. Turn around, don`t drown! Stay tuned to developments by listening to noaa weather radio, or by visiting our web site at: WMOHEADER UGC VTC023 VTEC /O.NEW.KBTV.FL.W.0013.170630T1200Z-170701T0042Z/ /WATV1.1.ER.170630T1200Z.170630T1800Z.170630T1842Z.UU/ TIME…MOT…LOC

Washington 44.44,-72.92 44.33,-72.62 44.24,-72.68 44.36,-72.95 44.44,-72.92 FIPS6 050023 UGC VTC023

Source: National Weather Service Alerts for Vermont

UVM Faculty Win $300,000 NSF Grant to Explore “Making” of a Bio Major

What can universities learn from the maker movement about teaching biology to undergraduate students? Can the world of making help universities get more creative students excited about careers in biology? The National Science Foundation has awarded a $300,000 grant to a team of faculty at the University of Vermont to find out.

The grant went to Andrew Mead, a research associate in the Biology Department, along with former Biology chair Jim Vigoreaux, now an associate provost, and associate professor of English and problem-based learning researcher, Libby Miles

The grant application and the research program it proposes were built around a pilot Biology course created by Mead and Vigoreaux and funded by an Engaged Practices Innovation grant from the Office of the Provost, called BioFabLab.

Students in the course design, prototype, and build their own experimental instruments – working in partnership with experts at Burlington Generator, a Burlington makerspace – to assist Biology faculty in their research. Working in teams, students are given a real research question and, over the course of the semester, develop an experimental device that helps answer it, using available technologies made popular by the maker movement, such as 3D printing and Arduino, and by interacting with skilled members of the local maker community.

The two-year grant will fund an expansion of BioFabLab geared entirely to first-semester, first-year students in the College of Arts and Science’s Teacher Advisor Program. Surveys, a focus group, and sophisticated analysis of student writing will be used to evaluate the effect of the course on students’ attitudes toward biology and studying science. Their subsequent course selection will also be tracked.

Introducing students to biology in a makerspace setting rather than a lecture hall is a provocative new approach to solving an old problem, Mead said. Although creativity, innovation, and the ability to ‘tinker’ are essential qualities of the modern working life scientist, and an important part of the scientific thought process, they are underemphasized in the early undergraduate curriculum at UVM and elsewhere. An aim of the study is to test the maker approach as a means of attracting those students who may possess an aptitude for creative thinking, but might for other reasons pass over opportunities to major in the life sciences. Furthermore, nearly half of biology majors leave college or change majors, according to the U.S. Department of Education. The study aims to test whether early exposure to BioFabLab might be a way to reduce this attrition.

“Some students who may have a real talent in biology get selected out early because they are intimidated by lecture-based classes; they avoid them, or they do poorly, and start to see themselves as not good at science.”

BioFabLab aims to spur students’ creativity – an essential skill for any kind of research career – and get them to love biology in the process.

“We want this to be a course where you can come and get really excited, to see all sides of a research project and to leave with a sense of accomplishment,” Mead said. Students will then take on the required lecture courses “with more confidence and with some context for the facts they are expected to learn,” he said. 

BioFabLab had exactly that impact on students in its pilot form. Students evaluation of the course were uniformly high. 

The research also aims to identify those qualities of the maker experience that are attractive to students, a topic of keen interest to the National Science Foundation. The BioFabLab grant was made under an NSF grant program called Enabling the Future of Making to Catalyze New Approaches in STEM Learning and Innovation.

As biology advances and research techniques evolve to address new questions, creativity and the ability to work with non-biologists on engineering problems like those addressed in BioFabLab will be at a premium, said Mead.

In recent years the ‘omics’ revolution has provided life scientists with a wealth of data to pore over, but other areas, such as phenotyping, have lagged. A major task of the next generation of scientists will be to conceive of and build sophisticated devices to measure the effects genes have on living organisms.

Examples of instruments students created in the BioFabLab pilot courses include a device to test whether zebra fish embryos with eye-development mutations can see, and a device that tracks the motion and energy expenditure of fruit flies to better understand how muscles affect the aging process.

Source: UVM News

Flash Flood Watch issued June 29 at 11:34PM EDT until July 02 at 5:00AM EDT by NWS

NOAA-NWS-ALERTS-VT1258573CEFF8.FlashFloodWatch.12585B886F10VT.BTVFFABTV.f7b1e959fd4312ff4aeb6c2add438802 2017-06-29T23:34:00-04:00 Actual Alert Public Alert for Caledonia; Eastern Addison; Eastern Chittenden; Eastern Franklin; Essex; Grand Isle; Lamoille; Orange; Orleans; Washington; Western Addison; Western Chittenden; Western Franklin (Vermont) Issued by the National Weather Service Met Flash Flood Watch Expected Severe Possible SAME FFA 2017-06-29T23:34:00-04:00 2017-07-02T05:00:00-04:00 NWS Burlington (Northern Vermont and New York) Flash Flood Watch issued June 29 at 11:34PM EDT until July 02 at 5:00AM EDT by NWS Burlington …FLASH FLOOD WATCH IN EFFECT FROM 11 AM EDT THIS MORNING THROUGH LATE SATURDAY NIGHT… The National Weather Service in Burlington has issued a * Flash Flood Watch for central and northern Vermont, as well as all of northern New York * From 11 AM EDT this morning through late Saturday night. * Numerous showers and embedded thunderstorms produced a swath of heavy rainfall across central and northern portions of the North Country since yesterday afternoon, with radar and automated gage reports indicating one and half to two and half inches of rain have fallen. This rainfall has led to rapid rises of creeks and smaller rivers. * Scattered to numerous showers and thunderstorms will develop across the area during the afternoon hours today and again Saturday, with additional rainfall amounts of 1 to 2 inches or higher expected through Saturday night. This additional rainfall will likely cause additional rises on area creeks and rivers, with localized flash flooding a distinct possibility. A Flash Flood Watch means that conditions may develop that lead to flash flooding. Flash flooding is a very dangerous situation. You should monitor later forecasts and be prepared to take action should Flash Flood Warnings be issued. WMOHEADER UGC NYZ026>031-034-035-087-VTZ001>010-016>018 VTEC /O.NEW.KBTV.FF.A.0003.170630T1500Z-170702T0900Z/ /00000.0.ER.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.OO/ TIME…MOT…LOC

Caledonia; Eastern Addison; Eastern Chittenden; Eastern Franklin; Essex; Grand Isle; Lamoille; Orange; Orleans; Washington; Western Addison; Western Chittenden; Western Franklin FIPS6 050001 FIPS6 050005 FIPS6 050007 FIPS6 050009 FIPS6 050011 FIPS6 050013 FIPS6 050015 FIPS6 050017 FIPS6 050019 FIPS6 050023 UGC VTZ001 UGC VTZ002 UGC VTZ003 UGC VTZ004 UGC VTZ005 UGC VTZ006 UGC VTZ007 UGC VTZ008 UGC VTZ009 UGC VTZ010 UGC VTZ016 UGC VTZ017 UGC VTZ018

Source: National Weather Service Alerts for Vermont

Flood Warning issued June 29 at 10:24PM EDT by NWS

NOAA-NWS-ALERTS-VT1258573CC500.FloodWarning.1258573E481CVT.BTVFLWBTV.580a6dc44834d4486bc1736681905973 2017-06-29T22:24:00-04:00 Actual Alert Public Alert for Addison; Caledonia; Chittenden; Essex; Grand Isle; Lamoille; Orange; Washington (Vermont) Issued by the National Weather Service Met Flood Warning Expected Moderate Likely SAME FLW 2017-06-29T22:24:00-04:00 2017-06-30T08:15:00-04:00 NWS Burlington (Northern Vermont and New York) Flood Warning issued June 29 at 10:24PM EDT by NWS Burlington The National Weather Service in Burlington has issued a * Flood Warning for Small Streams in… Southern Clinton County in northern New York… East central Franklin County in northern New York… Northeastern Essex County in northern New York… Southern Lamoille County in northwestern Vermont… Northern Orange County in central Vermont… Caledonia County in northeastern Vermont… Northern Addison County in central Vermont… Southwestern Essex County in northeastern Vermont… Southern Grand Isle County in northwestern Vermont… Chittenden County in northwestern Vermont… Washington County in central Vermont… * Until 815 AM EDT * At 215 AM EDT, numerous showers and embedded thunderstorms, some with heavy rainfall continue across the area early this morning. Doppler radar and automated gages indicate that between one and half to two and half inches of rain has fallen over the warning area since yesterday afternoon. Localized reports nearing three inches have been received. This rainfall has led to rapid rises of creeks and smaller rivers. * Additional rainfall amounts up to 1 inch are possible through sunrise. This will likely lead to areas of flooding and possible road closures, especially near smaller creeks and drainages. * Some locations that will experience flooding include… Essex Junction, Barre, Montpelier, Plattsburgh International Airport, Burlington, Burlington International Airport, St. Johnsbury, Plattsburgh, South Burlington, Vergennes, Lake Placid, Lyndon, Peru, Schuyler Falls, Saranac, Willsboro, Morrisville, Westport, Wilmington and Elizabethtown. Turn around, don`t drown when encountering flooded roads. Most flood deaths occur in vehicles. Be especially cautious at night when it is harder to recognize the dangers of flooding. WMOHEADER UGC NYC019-031-033-VTC001-005-007-009-013-015-017-023 VTEC /O.NEW.KBTV.FA.W.0007.170630T0624Z-170630T1215Z/ /00000.0.ER.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.000000T0000Z.OO/ TIME…MOT…LOC

Addison; Caledonia; Chittenden; Essex; Grand Isle; Lamoille; Orange; Washington 44.42,-71.69 44.4,-71.79 44.35,-71.82 44.32,-72.03 44.19,-72.07 44.08,-72.03 44.01,-72.11 43.97,-72.12 44.14,-74.08 44.77,-74.08 44.57,-72.32 44.54,-72.27 44.56,-72.25 44.48,-71.65 44.42,-71.69 FIPS6 050001 FIPS6 050005 FIPS6 050007 FIPS6 050009 FIPS6 050013 FIPS6 050015 FIPS6 050017 FIPS6 050023 UGC VTC001 UGC VTC005 UGC VTC007 UGC VTC009 UGC VTC013 UGC VTC015 UGC VTC017 UGC VTC023

Source: National Weather Service Alerts for Vermont

Flash Flood Warning issued June 29 at 8:51PM EDT until June 30 at 2:15AM EDT by NWS

…THE FLASH FLOOD WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 215 AM EDT FOR LAMOILLE…SOUTHERN GRAND ISLE…CHITTENDEN…NORTHWESTERN WASHINGTON AND SOUTHWESTERN FRANKLIN COUNTIES… At 1247 AM EDT, Doppler radar and automated rain gauges indicated from one and a half to two and half inches of rain has fallen in the warning area tonight. Additional showers and thunderstorms producing

Source: National Weather Service Alerts for Vermont