Can a College Course on Birding Change the World? University of Vermont Says Yes

A University of Vermont class called Birding to Change the World was featured on the homepage of NBC In the class, environmental studies students at UVM act as “bird buddies” and mentors for fifth graders at a local elementary school, visiting a local wildlife refuge as group once a week. The class is funded through a special grant program at the university that encourages faculty to develop courses using “high impact practices” to engage students and help them learn deeply. The story is here

Source: UVM News

Breakthrough Chemistry: We Can Now Create A New Form of Light

A team of scientists led by UVM chemist Matthew Liptak have discovered a new way that some molecules can make a luminescent glow — a strange, bright green—that may have applications for new LEDs and biomedical diagnostics. The story got picked up a number of science news sites, including Futurism, and the reseach was featured as the top headline on the National Science Foundation’s news feed, Science360. See here.

Source: UVM News

Scientists Are Digging Through the Biggest Collection of Human Waste in the U.S. to Figure out Why We’re So Unhealthy

UVM scientist Christine Vatovec does boundary-bending research on human and ecological health–and how they’re connected. Her recent studies of how pharmaceuticals flow into wastewater and into lakes and rivers were featured in Quartz, a digital global news magazine published by Atlantic Media, publisher of The Atlantic. Read the story here.

Source: UVM News