US 2 in Grand Isle is back open form earlier structure fire #VT. Dive Safely, wind and snow covered roads.
Source: Twitter vt511
US 2 in Grand Isle is back open form earlier structure fire #VT. Dive Safely, wind and snow covered roads.
Source: Twitter vt511
TRAFFIC AT 5:30PM: @VTStatePolice say Rt.2 Grand Isle closed between Grand Isle Elementary School & Faywood Rd. due to a fire. #btv #vt
Source: Twitter vt511
Roads continue to deteriorate #VT #BTV as snow and winds pick up statewide. Drive carefully, slow down and give yourself extra time.
Source: Twitter vt511
Are you ready #VT #BTV #NEK for tomorrows snow storm? Prepare for difficult travel with snow/blowing snow, then dangerous wind chills. Give extra time for your commute. Above all, please slow down and drive to the conditions! 511VT
Source: Twitter vt511
Light snow over Northern/Central #VT #BTV now, drive safely!
Source: Twitter vt511
Chains no longer required for trucks on RT 9 Bennington Searsburg Wilmington #VT. Drive Safely!
Source: Twitter vt511
RT 9 Woodford/Bennington/Searsburg/Wilmingon #VT Trucks chains now required along this route due to snow covered roads until further notice.
Source: Twitter vt511
Still snowing on I 89 between X 5-6 Williamstown, So. Barre #VT is the worst spot. Slow down, speed a factor in multiple slide offs. Persistent band of snow extends East to I 91 in Newbury/Barnet area, use caution there as well.
Source: Twitter vt511
Snow continues in Washington, Caledonia and Lamoille counties #VT #NEK right now, causing slick travel. So much for the partly sunny day.. Drive Safely.
Source: Twitter vt511
Snow in and around Central #VT now, slippery roads. Use caution, slow down.
Source: Twitter vt511