Are you ready #VT #BTV #NEK for tomorrows snow storm? Prepare for difficult travel with snow/blowing snow, then dangerous wind chills. Give extra time for your commute. Above all, please slow down and drive to the conditions! 511VT

Are you ready for tomorrows snow storm? Prepare for difficult travel with snow/blowing snow, then dangerous wind chills. Give extra time for your commute. Above all, please slow down and drive to the conditions! 511VT

Source: Twitter vt511

Still snowing on I 89 between X 5-6 Williamstown, So. Barre #VT is the worst spot. Slow down, speed a factor in multiple slide offs. Persistent band of snow extends East to I 91 in Newbury/Barnet area, use caution there as well.

Still snowing on I 89 between X 5-6 Williamstown, So. Barre is the worst spot. Slow down, speed a factor in multiple slide offs. Persistent band of snow extends East to I 91 in Newbury/Barnet area, use caution there as well.

Source: Twitter vt511