I’ve just signed a stay-at-home order and directed the closure of in-person operations for all non-essential businesses. Vermonters: you must stay home. You must stay home to save lives. We are all in this together – and we’ll get through it, together. https://governor.vermont.gov/press-release/governor-phil-scott-issues-%E2%80%9Cstay-home-stay-safe%E2%80%9D-order-directs-additional-closures …

I’ve just signed a stay-at-home order and directed the closure of in-person operations for all non-essential businesses.

Vermonters: you must stay home. You must stay home to save lives.

We are all in this together – and we’ll get through it, together. https://governor.vermont.gov/press-release/governor-phil-scott-issues-%E2%80%9Cstay-home-stay-safe%E2%80%9D-order-directs-additional-closures …

Source: Twitter Vermont Gov